Loss Control

Loss Control

Loss Control & Prevention is a proactive endeavour, identifying and acting upon potential hazards before incidents can occur.

Below are a selection of articles that you may find informative, and beneficial to assessing your risks at home.
Also, as a policy holder you may wish to take advantaged of some ‘Policyholder Perks”

Abandoned Fuel Tanks
Abandoned tanks on a property can pose an environmental risk.
Abandoned Wiring
If energized, abandoned wires pose a serious hazard to safety (shock or electrocution), they can also pose a serious fire hazard.
Cover Plates
An exposed opening in electrical equipment creates entry points for rodents, bugs and dust, as well as a safety hazard.
Extension Cords
Improper use of extension cords may create an unnecessary safety hazard and may result in a potential fire threat to your property.
Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter
A ground fault occurs when electricity travels outside its intended path and goes to ground.
Kitec Piping In Houses
"Kitec" type plumbing is prone to corrosion over time, and failure can lead to water damage.
Liquid Manure Storage Safety
Liquid manure storage is an integral part of operations on many modern farms. Manure storage areas may pose a significant risk to the people and animals near them.
Polyurethane Foam Insulation
Polyurethane foam insulation (PUFI) or foamed plastic insulation is a common insulation found in many homes, commercial and agricultural buildings.
Potential Dangers When Using Heat Lamps
Possibility of a fire increases whenever a heat lamp is used in a barn or a house.
Rodent Control
Mice and rats can cause extensive damage to electrical wiring which could lead to a fire hazard.
Tanks Protection From Vehicular Impact
A minor impact by a car, tractor or other equipment could result in damage which could cause leakage of the contents.
Temporary Space Heaters
Due to the high heat output of these devices, improper use or installation increases the likelihood of a fire.
Vacuum Pump Exhaust
Vacuum pumps on farms are used to create vacuum needed to milk the animals. A vacuum exhaust pipe installed directly in contact with combustible materials such as foam insulation or wood can increase the potential for a fire.